Last few places available for the cream tea on Sunday - if you can tell anyone you think might be tempted, please do. We would love a full house or rather garden! Book today to avoid disappointment by e-mailing Mary with your details, numbers and preferred time - Click here for more information.
Pictures from Carlton Club garden fundraiser, Saturday 25th June
Friends do massively successful fundraiser
We were overjoyed when Jan Mugg and the team at the Carlton Club garden agreed to do a fundraiser for Chibombo People Climate Action. The delicious cakes and atmosphere were so lovely and they made an amazing £350. We are so grateful. This includes a £50 donation from Whalley Rangers.
In addition, Whalley Range Climate Action Group are offering £200 to match donations, so if you can donate, double your money, by donating now.
In terms of reaching are fundraising targets we are doing well and have a way to go:
58% committed towards £6000 running costs. £221 more needed every month - if you can give something every month it would be a huge help
The cream tea fundraiser on Sunday aims to raise £800 for a microcredit scheme. Places booked and donations so far will raise £535;
The £350 raised by the Carlton Club garden will ensure there is money for inputs,
when money is the only thing stopping CPCA from planting and growing - target £1000
Meanwhile the news from Chibombo is that they are busy harvesting and very delighted that Chibombo People's Climate Action have been selected to work on the Lunjofwa forest that is in their chiefdom....more details soon.