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Chibombo climate Project

When can we have water - we're losing some of our crops?

We got a heart breaking message from Changu this week.

'Good morning family. I'd like to find out when we can have water. Sorry for the trouble but right now, we're losing some of our crops due to inadequate water supply. We've been hoping that by mid-July, we'll be good to go.'

We really feel concerned about them losing crops. With sadness, we had to reply:

'We haven’t raised all the funds yet....and while we understand your need for water we cannot afford to do this urgently and make avoidable mistakes. . If you can manage as well as possible in future years things will hopefully be easier.'

We have raised 60% of our £10,000 fundraising target. The sooner we can raise the rest, the better

We are preparing for the borehole installation

The organisation that Sara, who spoke at our social, and the team who visited the project last September are part of Water for Kids (W4K). Thanks to our link with them, we are moving on this as fast and as confidently as we can. They are Environmental Health Officers (EHO’s) who have a wealth of experience of commissioning boreholes in Zambia and are willing to advise CPCA and ourselves which is a huge help.

A key to W4K's success is they work with Zambian environmental health professionals.

The team who visited CPCA included local EHO Yona Philemon, who has managed a number of similar projects. He and Changu met through the visit and we are delighted that they will work together to oversee the installation. Listen to Yona talk about his initial impressions of CPCA

Our Treasurer Francis is working with Sara from Water for Kids to ensure everything runs smoothly this end. They are currently agreeing Yona's brief with him and Changu and looking at the possibility of installing the borehole in two stages. Watch this space to hear when drilling starts!

Social grew our Friends, funds and fundraisers!

We were surprised and delighted to see over 50 at the social on 4th July. We apologise for the overcrowded room and that we ran out of food! Feedback suggests that despite this, people were glad they came and were pleased to learn more about the project. More feedback is very welcome.

Sara gave an excellent presentation about her impressions from visiting the project, illustrated by wonderful photographs. We also enjoyed hearing Whalley Range Neighbourhood Officer, Allan Mandindi - who is originally from Malawi (a neighbouring country to Zambia) talk about his impressions of the partnership; he urged more similar partnerships with projects in areas affected by devastating climate change.

WE were so moved to hear that as a result of what was said, St Margarets CE Primary School in Whalley Range have decided to make the borehole fund their charity for next year

We so appreciated supporters generosity once again! Thanks to everyone who donated food, time, raffle prizes and money. As a result of all the contributions, we were delighted to have £556.40 to add to our funds.

The raffle was drawn and Lyn, Natasha and Pat, Gosia and Maggie and Margaret won the prizes; we hope they will enjoy them.

Friends of Chibombo in Lancaster - 18 September

An opportunity for people to find out about Chibombo Peoples Climate Action and the solidarity work of UK Friends

Monday 18 September 7.30 pm

Olive Bar

The Gregson,

33 - 35 Moor Gate, Lancaster LA1 3PY

Our ask of you:

• Tell someone about CPCA

• Is there anyone you know in the Lancaster area who might be interested in this project? If so please share details of the meeting on 18th September

  • Kirsten Lamb has offered to do another second hand bookstall to raise money for CPCA. Please let us know if you know of an event where this could happen

• Bake a cake for the Carlton gardeners cake sale on 5th August

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