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Chibombo climate Project

The gift of Friendship

Updated: Jun 21, 2023

We are excited to share details of our July Friends event and latest news from Chibombo.

Thanks everyone who has been spreading the word and growing interest in our work. A possible new support group in the bud, outside Manchester is on the cards! Please book now for the 4th July

How is introducing people to the Friends a gift?

Friends say:

They value the personal connection to a dynamic project in the global south

Their legacy is important to them. Involvement enables them to contribute to a safe, sustainable world for future generations and reduces any feelings of uselessness

'You have inspired me to do many things ... and most definitely not to give up'

We are looking forward to seeing you on 4th July. Book Now (More information)

STOP PRESS - latest report from Chibombo People's Climate Action .......

CPCA never quits - Despite a wildfire, floods and dry spell - 7777 saplings distributed to over 20 villages...

You may remember that in mid-October a wild fire engulfed CPCA’s woodlot, leaving only a quarter of the 18,000 saplings they had planted. They immediately bought seeds and replanted over half of what they had lost.

Since then the weather has continued to be challenging to say the least! Massive floods in most parts of the area and a serious dry spell in other parts reduced the number of saplings available to plant. Nevertheless, CPCA distributed 7777 saplings through over 20 villages. CPCA never quits

The droughts and floods make access to safe drinking water more crucial than ever. The borehole we are fundraising for will help the garden farm business become more self-sufficient and benefit surrounding households who lack clean drinking water.

Giving up is not in our vocabulary 

The Green Team at St Margaret’s CE Primary School in Whalley Range planted daffodil bulbs, peas and broad beans which they sold at parents evenings in March 2023 and raised £200 - photos . Huge thanks to the Green Team, Arwa and Luke

Prior to the fundraiser, Jane from the Advisory Group, told the story of CPCA through photos and words with props. The children dressed up and journeyed through planting , collecting water, droughts, replanting, floods, replanting, the wildfire, replanting…. At the end the children were asked to say a word of what had stayed with them (see above, right) and wrote letters to Changu. A recurring theme was that hearing the story had inspired them never to give up! Changu replied - 'giving up is not in our vocabulary 🙏🏾❤'

Spring raffle Prizes include a cake of your choice, a £20 Unicorn voucher and local honey. It will be drawn on 4th July. £1 each or 5 for £4. Contact Judith if you can buy or sell tickets - 07792 690 278

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