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Tackling climate change from many angles!

Chibombo climate Project

Come to our annual Friends event, now on 5th September, 7-9.30pm at the Klondyke, 1 Burnage Range, Levenshulme Manchester M19 2HQ.  (not on 4th July as previously advertised)


                          Meet other Friends,

                          Hear the latest from Chibombo Peoples Climate Action

             8pm - Watch the Ant and the Grasshopper film


                          Drop in or stay from the evening

              Please spread the word; more details to follow.

As a result of the borehole UK Friends raised funds for last year

' We are now able to eat goodies that are traditionally grown during the rainy season, in June we are able to harvest them'
Creating a by-law towards the total protection of the environment

A community meeting at a local chief's palace to formulate a by-law towards the total protection of the environment (May 2024)

 Planting cabbages

One of the young people who completed a sustainable organic agriculture in February and is now being paid a small monthly allowance plants cabbages

Constructing firewood saving stoves

CPCA have started making these simple firewood saving stoves to reduce the usage of firewood

Using water efficiently

Drip tapes set up for 15000 tomato plants

Meanwhile Friends here continue to raise funds, thanks this month to .......
  • Mel for a fascinating bat walk on 20th May which raised £95. He has promised to repeat it and it is highly recommended.

  • Kirsten and Dave for raising a stunning £210 selling secondhand books at the Celebrate festival in Whalley Range on June 8th

  • All our supporters who give regular donations which is the backbone of our fundraising



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