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More Friends, £10,000 and a borehole – Our plans for 2023!

Chibombo climate Project

Updated: Feb 21, 2023

In 2022 our target was to raise £8000; you gave a magnificent £7961!

This enabled Chibombo People’s Climate Action to distribute over 8000 saplings in the local community (despite a wildfire), provide loans to 4 businesses which are doing well and become a constituted organisation with a bank account and much more besides.

Our target for 2023 : To grow our Friends, raise £10,000 and fund a borehole. For details of what the funds paid for last year and our plans for this year, see our report by pressing the report link at the top of this page

A special evening raised £400

Our fundraising this year started in style with a sumptuous meal based on traditional Polish winter food generously hosted by Avril and Francis with support from Yvonne and Peter. Thanks so much everyone who made this such a success Our newest Friend, Jim Donahue said: ‘Thank you very much for a very special evening..….the Polish theme was magical and moving and created a fascinating backdrop for the Chibombo themes. ‘ Including donations prompted by the event and a new direct debit, the evening raised nearly £400! The food raised interest in a workshop where others can learn to cook some of the delicacies on offer

Current fundraisers

Save money, make your home more comfortable when it is cold outside AND reduce your carbon footprint in return for a donation to CPCA

Mel, a housing/property professional with forty years of experience can advise you about simple, usually low cost, energy conservation measures. His advice will include a house survey that may utilise a thermal imaging camera. Please email for more information

Friends, Adam and Ursula used the service and said:

Mel spent a couple of hours with us and sent us a report. By the end of his visit we had a list of improvements we can make . We were pleased that he agreed the earlier improvements we’d made would be making a difference to our energy consumption. There are some relatively straight-forward things we can do to reduce drafts further. There are also some more expensive and disruptive things we can do which has given us food for thought. In the report Mel shared some recommendations of people who might be able to oversee some of the more complex improvements.

Cake Sale – Saturday 6th May from 11 at Rummage on the Range, Carlton Club, Whalley Range. The wonderful Carlton gardeners will be organising their third cake sale for us! Let us know if you can contribute a cake. Please note entry to the Rummage is £1.50, kids free, dogs welcome!

Watch out for more details of:

An event for Friends In the first week of July at the Carlton Club in Whalley Range, Manchester with speakers who visited Chibombo last year.

A dinner party in Didsbury, Manchester

A mid year raffle – the wonderful Unicorn Grocery in Chorlton have offered a £20 gift voucher, please get in touch if you can offer another prize; this could be a skill or asset you could share

Please let us know if you have an interest, knowledge or skill you are willing to share with others for a donation to CPCA? Following on from the request for a workshop to learn to cook Polish food, we are exploring raising money through knowledge or skill sharing. Ideas so far include salad growing and Victorian Churches in Manchester

Finally congratulations to Whalley Range Climate Action Group (WRCAG) who are finalists in the Manchester City Council Be Proud award in the category 'Taking Action on Climate Change'. The link with Chibombo Peoples Climate action was cited in the nomination and huge thanks are due to Francis the WRCAG Treasurer who also manages the Friend’s finances through the WRCAG account.

Could you share the wonder of what Chibombo Peoples Climate Action are doing? There are some ideas below of how Friends are doing this which may inspire you or what you can to to help us raise funds

Our ask of you:

  • Whether you invite 2 friends for a coffee and show them our website or organise a more ambitious fundraiser it will help!

  • Support our fundraisers and tell other people about them.

  • Donate a raffle prize.

  • Bake a cake for the Carlton gardeners’ cake sale on 6th May.

  • Can you raise funds for us? Friends are asking for donations in lieu of birthday presents, for something they borrow or use or a professional service? Children from the Green Team at St Margaret’s CE Primary School in Whalley Range have planted 150 daffodil bulbs and peas and broad bean seeds to sell to parents.

  • Make a donation – donations have included people offsetting their carbon footprint or part of their Winter Fuel payment.

We will try to support any fundraising events. To make this possible, please consult us about dates in advance! If you can offer something, however large or small, please contact Judith



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