It was hugely exciting to get Sara, Elaine, Yona and Patrice impressions and photos on the Whats App group after they visited the project at the end of September. It was the first visit of anyone from the UK and hugely important for people in Zambia and here. Sara has written an invaluable detailed report of the visit which is available to anyone on request, message Judith - 07792 690 278 who can send you a copy.
Sara said:
'It was a privilege to visit this brilliant project. Thousands of saplings were ready for planting. The farming area was huge and full of healthy looking plants, it's not easy to water them all. I was impressed that the fourteen village headmen we met are on-board. Everyone was passionate and committed. Changu and the women farmers are keen to learn from the challenges they face. I can see the project growing from strength to strength.'
Wildfire hit - massive losses

On 17th October, Changu messaged 'We've had a tragedy with our project here🥹. We had wild fire and lost much of our nurseries.'
CPCA members were devastated. They lost three quarters of the 18000 saplings they had grown for planting when the rains come.
Fortunately they hadn't taken delivery of 6,400 saplings which they have been given by the Ministry of Green Economy or built the extension to the shelter for the saplings which we had just sent money for. And as far as we know no-one was hurt.
Immediate rebuilding and replanting......
They immediately used the materials they had bought for the shelter extension to replace the shelter which had been damaged in the fire. The first photo above shows the damaged shelter and the second the new one.
We sent some money for Changu's monthly stipend! She spent it on 5kg of seed to ensure they replace what was lost. Unbelievably, they are still planning to plant the same number of trees when the rains come!
The third photo shows how germination has already started. It will be a Jatropha sapling. Seeds grow quicker than here! Such a wonderful symbol of hope.
Emergency target £500 to cover extra costs
There is no doubt that CPCA members are doing everything they can to cope with the damage. Financial support will enable them to do even more. We need £500. This will repay Changu's stipend and pay for the planned extension of the shelter. Changu has assured us the shelter will be bigger and better than the one planned before the fire!
You can.....
Buy or sell raffle tickets The prize for the raffle will be a home made Christmas Cake, iced with a design from a photo from Chibombo!
The raffle will be drawn on the evening of Thursday 10th November!
Tickets are £1 each or £4 for 5 and are available from Judith - 07792 690 278. Message your requests - you will be sent the number of your tickets and details for payment. Liaise with Judith if you can sell some tickets yourself. Don't delay - buy today!
Buy and sell cards for details see
Book your place for a wonderful 5 course meal on Nov 10th - for details see