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Chibombo climate Project

Borehole operational! CPCA look forward to 2024 with high hopes!

Updated: Jan 29, 2024

'We are very happy, excited and flamboyant to report that our water system is now functional .... It is a big marvel for the community. Many people walk distances to just come and see what we have. Such investments are rare unless among well-to-do people unlike our community. It is a project that is giving us much more courage to look forward to 2024 with high hopes.'

( from CHIBOMBO PEOPLE’S CLIMATE CHANGE, Fourth quarter report, 2023)

It has been a great year for Chibombo People's Climate Action (CPCA) and they and the UK support group are very grateful for the magnificent generosity of you - our supporters.

We paid for a borehole which was constructed with the invaluable expertise of Zambian Environmental Health Officer, Yona via Water for Kids.

The borehole will mean enough water for CPCA's growing projects and the local community!

Thank you everyone for all your help.

Having some good news to share feels especially important right now.

Watering saplings using borehole water

Changu recently told us:

'Tree planting has been overwhelming for this year and it has really made us proud as a team.

With our germination rate having been at 85%, we still have more nurseries to transplant.


Currently, we have 12,408 saplings'

They also have great ideas for next year and what help they might want from us including:

- increasing local knowledge and skills in Sustainable Organic Agriculture to develop local agricultural practices which do not degrade land and will result in producing healthy foods affordably.

- new woodlots

- tripling the size of the community garden - made possible by the increased water supply!

We will be looking at these ideas with Changu in January and working out our funding goals for 2024. Look out for more information

We were delighted with the setting up of the Lancaster support group. Its impact has been to increase our funds by nearly £1000 and they have plans to raise more next year. Thank you Helen and Kirsty for making this happen!

16th March - Save the date! - One of our newest supporters, Steve Roman will be leading a Peace Walk in Manchester with a particular slant relevent to Zambia. It will be a fundraiser for CPCA - look out for details in the New Year.

We wish you health, peace and rest over the holidays and the resources to do what you can to keep safe, keep loved ones safe and keep humanity and the planet safe. Many thanks for all your support, we will look forward to working with you next year

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