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Chibombo climate Project

Book now for fundraiser - cream teas in a beautiful garden - Sunday 27th June

Updated: Jun 23, 2021

Mary Kenny is hosting an afternoon tea aiming to raise at least half of our current £1100 target by serving 36 teas at a minimum charge of £15pp.

See blog - Imagine Chibombo reforested & the women's land irrigated - can you help this happen? for more details of how the funds will be used

There will be 3 sittings of 12 people at 2 tables of 6 at 12.30, 2.30 and 4.30 in their beautiful garden in Heaton Chapel, Stockport

Tea will include something savoury, at least 3 kinds of cake and of course, scones, jam and cream, and tea or coffee. Mary is still working on the final menu; she is a wonderful cook.

If you’d like to BYO alcohol she’ll make a small corkage charge. All in a good cause!

If the weather lets us down they have a marquee they can put up.

To give you an idea of the difference contributions can make:

£33 will buy a beehive

£215 will buy a solar powered water pump

£500 will buy the total irrigation system for the new plot of land.

Over 55% of the target has already been donated or committed in bookings and donations!

The optimun time for planing is June and July and good rains are forecast for October - so help us help them to plant asap!

BOOK NOW - only 4 places left!

Email Mary - with your details, numbers and preferred time and she will do her best to give you the time you want. She will try and accommodate any dietary requirements, but she can’t guarantee anything being nut, seed and similar allergens free.

We anticipate that it will be very popular so book asap

STOP PRESS - The school closed again on 17th June alongside all schools in Zambia as Covid rates reach frightening levels and only 0.4% of the population vaccinated and Zambia mourns for the country's first President Kenneth Kaunda, whose vision and energy was an inspiration to us all.

And/or buy cards

Order these irresistable cards before they sell out - prices include postage. They are all the same design and blank inside.

5 for £10

10 for £15

Please send your order to and pay by BACS

Account name: Whalley Range Climate Action Group (WGCAG)

Sort code : 010202` Account number : 21744513

Reference: CPCA cards

Make a donation

BACs donations avoid costs and all monies donated will be passed on directly to Chibombo Peoples Climate Action.

It will be a huge help if you can send an e-mail if you do make a donation with details of the amount to

Account name: Whalley Range Climate Action Group (WGCAG)

Sort code : 010202` Account number : 21744513

Reference: CPCA

Please note that neither Whalley Range Climate Action Group or Chibombo Peoples Climate Action are registered charities.

Contact Judith about donations and Chibombo People's Climate Action - 07792 690 278/ judith.emanu

We will be so grateful for your support

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